Article updated on Oct 14, 2024

Understanding Snoring: Causes, Effects, and Treatments

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Snoring is a prevalent condition where a person makes a snorting or rattling noise while breathing during sleep. This phenomenon occurs due to the vibration of the soft palate and tissues in the mouth, nose, or throat. Did you know that the exact sound made by a snorer depends on the type of soft tissue that’s vibrating? If the soft tissue at the back of the nose vibrates, the snorer will produce a quiet, pinched nasal sound. Conversely, if the tissues at the top of the mouth (soft palate) and back of the throat (uvula) vibrate, a louder, more guttural sound will be produced. People tend to snore most during the deepest stages of sleep, which occur around 90 minutes after falling asleep, and they snore the loudest when sleeping on their backs.

Types and Grades of Snoring

Snoring is defined by a grading system with three grades:

  • Grade One (Simple Snoring): A person snores quietly and infrequently. Breathing is unaffected, and there aren’t any significant health problems associated.
  • Grade Two: A person snores regularly (more than three days a week). Some individuals with grade two snoring may experience mild to moderate breathing difficulties during sleep, leading to tiredness and sleepiness during the day.
  • Grade Three: A person snores every night, and the snoring is so loud that it can be heard from outside the bedroom. Many people with grade three snoring suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), where the airways become partially or totally blocked for around 10 seconds. This results in repeated episodes of snoring and waking throughout the night, and there are several health conditions associated with OSA. According to the National Institutes of Health, OSA can lead to significant health risks, including cardiovascular issues, hypertension, and increased risk of stroke.

Impact of Snoring

Snoring can lead to excessive tiredness and poor concentration, which should be taken seriously. Excessive daytime sleepiness increases the risk of accidents when using machinery and vehicles. The Department of Transport estimates that one in five road traffic accidents in the UK alone are caused by excessive tiredness. Moreover, snoring can strain relationships, as it often disrupts the sleep of bed partners. This can lead to irritability, decreased intimacy, and increased conflict. Studies have shown that poor sleep quality can negatively affect emotional well-being and relationship satisfaction. In fact, research indicates that habitual snoring can contribute to a higher incidence of marital discord.

Causes of Snoring

Understanding the causes of snoring can help in finding effective treatments. Common causes include:

  • Obstructed Nasal Passages: Blockages from a deviated septum, nasal polyps, or allergies can lead to snoring.
  • Obesity: Excess weight around the neck can put pressure on the airway, leading to snoring. Studies show that losing just 10% of body weight can significantly reduce snoring.
  • Alcohol Consumption: Drinking alcohol before bed can relax the throat muscles, increasing the likelihood of snoring.
  • Sleep Position: Sleeping on your back can cause the tongue and soft tissues to collapse to the back of the throat, obstructing airflow.
  • Age: As people age, throat muscles become weaker, increasing the chances of snoring.

Treatments for Snoring

There are various treatments for snoring, depending on its severity. Firstly, consider lifestyle changes:

  • Weight Management: Losing weight if you’re overweight can significantly reduce snoring.
  • Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can improve overall health and reduce snoring.
  • Quit Smoking: Giving up smoking can help reduce inflammation in the throat and nasal passages.
  • Limit Alcohol: Avoid drinking alcohol, particularly just before bed, as it relaxes the throat muscles.
  • Sleep Position: Sleeping on your side can also help; consider using a body pillow to maintain this position.

If lifestyle changes don’t help, several types of anti-snoring devices are available to try:

  • Nasal Strips: Small pieces of self-adhesive tape that pull the nostrils apart, helping to stop them narrowing during sleep.
  • Nasal Dilators: Plastic or metal devices placed inside the nose that push the nostrils apart.
  • Chin Strips: Strips of tape placed under the chin that help prevent your mouth from falling open while you sleep.
  • Vestibular Shield: A plastic device resembling a gum shield that fits inside the mouth and blocks the flow of air, forcing the snorer to breathe through their nose.

Surgery for Snoring

Surgery for snoring is usually regarded as a last resort and is only considered when all other avenues have been exhausted. It is not helpful in the vast majority of snoring cases. However, if snoring is caused by an obvious issue, such as large tonsils, surgery to remove them may be recommended. The National Health Service (NHS) provides guidance on when surgery might be considered.


Understanding the causes and treatments of snoring can help you or a loved one improve sleep quality and overall health. From lifestyle changes and anti-snoring devices to surgical options, there are various ways to address snoring. If you’re experiencing severe snoring or suspect you might have sleep apnoea, consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan.

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Richard is passionate about helping people get a better night's sleep. As someone who has struggled with sleep and spent a lot of time researching the perfect mattress, Richard has built an in depth understanding of the merits of each mattress brand and what to look for to help you find your perfect night's sleep.